‘Tis that time of the year and the world will be asking your plans for Diwali. Are you going to be bursting more crackers to add to the pollution? Or downing more mithais to work it out longer?

This Diwali, my answer is going to be completely different.

I am going to light up my life with cheer and positivity.

Every lamp I light, is going to make my world brighter.

After all, Diwali celebrates the victory of good over evil, and we can do that every single day of our lives.

Goodness does not have to be extraordinary, world-changing or seen by all.

It is felt in your heart and has everything to do with how thankful you are about what you have, and not wasting energy in cribbing about what you don’t.

When you’re happy with what you have, you’re happy from within, and you can spread happiness outside of you.

The key to goodness lies in doing small things, lifting our spirits and bringing it into our life. Here are the simplest, but super-powerful ways how I stay positive on not just one day or occasion, but every day.

#1 I wake up every morning feeling thankful for people in my life

Ramayana revolves around Lord Ram’s unconditional respect and obedience to his parents: a quality that we seem to have forgotten.

As our parent's age and become children at the far end of life, we are often annoyed by them. Instead, this is when they need our tolerance, love, and compassion the most.

I never leave my bed in haste. My eyes open to my parents’ picture every morning, as I fold my hands in gratitude for another day.

#2 I let some music uplift my mood after getting dressed

I love letting my hair down to upbeat Bollywood music, first thing in the morning.

My family may sometimes be perplexed, or just jump into the fun. But this fun exercise just gives me a rush of energy from head to toe.

#3 I love watering my plants

I take my time to splash water on leaves and smell the fragrance of my roses. It brings me peace and gratitude.

It keeps me in the moment, not thinking about yesterday or what lies ahead.

#4 I never start my day by reading depressing new

I typically catch up on current affairs at lunch or during the day. But starting, or ending, my day with the newspaper is a definite no-no for me.

#5 I seek my dose of positivity in little pieces

I may miss reading the newspaper, but I always catch up with what inspires me.

I soak myself in deep and meaningful reading, even if for a few minutes.

#6 I do things that are opposite to how I may be feeling

If I am feeling low, I dress up a little more, don brighter colors, and even fake a smile.

I trick my mind to believe that I am happy. It helps to not let it get the better of me.

#7 Unreasonable over uncomfortable for me any day

A school of thought insists – face your fears, push your limits and so on. But rather than pushing myself into uncomfortable situations, I choose to be unreasonable.

If it is about ringing in joy, I may catch a movie suddenly, or catch up with a dear friend.

I love (and this works every time!) to come home with good food and delicious cake, and relish them with my family. Makes for timeless memories!

#8 Stay away from negative talk

A fabulous way to keep the positive spirit of Diwali alive is to build a peaceful world around us.

Steer clear from gossips and discussing people – it is the worst and lowest intellectual conversation one can have.

Every time you find yourself in such a conversation, either walk out or just disengage mentally.

#9 Have a light heart

Do not make your heart a host of negativity. If you haven’t liked anything about someone, communicate it before you make a mountain out of a mole.

You owe it to your heart and mind to keep it light and happy.

Let’s not kid ourselves. We all have a Buddha and a devil inside of us, shaped by life and its experiences.

What matters is how we train our minds and soul to live positive and with deep and good values. The more we do it, the more we live it.

After all, our epics only celebrate togetherness, mutual respect, and the human values that are embedded in our DNA.

This Diwali, let's ignite the spirit of positivity and live the best life we can. Let us each make the world a brighter place. I would love to hear positive ways in which you do this.

Till then, I wish you a Happy Diwali and a prosperous New Year.