Since you are reading this blog, it assures us of two things: you are healthy + safe (thank God for that) and you have decided to invest your time + energy into learning. Glad to have someone like you in my tribe. I have been pulling myself out of this negativity with the same intent – to learn and spread knowledge. And in my endeavour to do so, I came out of my shell (finally) and reach out to my network on social media to share what I know best – leadership.
Interestingly, two weeks back when I started, I spent a week on how to be productive when we work from home I’m so glad we spent the last week on productivity. I think using those tools and techniques, we probably have a little more time than before to focus on something that I feel is really important – self-learning. So let’s use this time of self-learning to up-skill and prepare ourselves as leaders of tomorrow.
In the past two weeks, I’ve observed two different mindset in people – One that spreads panic, and the other that goes beyond it and prepares to bounce back (which I’d like to believe is inevitable).
With this blog, we intend to highlight six skills that we all must possess as leaders. Some of which we might already have (up-skill) and some we might need to do differently (re-skill).
But before we dive into the skill-set, please buckle up for some interesting statistics from World Economic Forum. WEF confirms that 65% of children entering into primary school right now will be doing jobs that don’t even exist today. Yet another interesting statistics from them confirms that before 2022 (if the human species remains that is) we will lose probably 75 million jobs, but at the same time we will also add 133 million jobs.
Let’s not wait to revive at the end of this pandemic. Instead, let’s take this period of quarantine to up our game as visionary leaders. What are the skills which we must acquire to stay relevant?
There are five things very, very critical within this space which, as leaders, we need to be on top of: 1. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 2. Business Analytics 3. Data science 4. Cyber Security 5. Digital Marketing
I think these five elements within technology are what we need to focus on and increase our knowledge in. I invite you to do your own research and see if you can talk about each one of these five topics for at least 30 minutes, sharing how can you use technology to stay more relevant in the times to come.
Creativity, of course, is not limited to just artistic form. I think we all, irrespective of our profession, have the opportunity to be creative. We can all look at an existing process in a different way. Creativity is nothing but doing things in a new manner. Bringing in creativity, however, needs to be a little more of a conscious effort.
I feel the current situation that we have is a blessing in disguise in more ways than one. We are all struggling, so why don’t we use this time to practice creativity?
The way we communicate has substantially changed today. If I have to take a session on communication today, I would want to really emphasize on digital etiquette more than email etiquette. In this space, there are lots of different platforms that have been created and have only been growing from the time of their inception.
I urge you to explore this new way to communicate because this is the way we are going to communicate from here on. We need to start getting comfortable with different social platforms. Dive into each of them and see which one you want to familiarize yourself with and why.
Note: If you have enjoyed these videos, we invite you to subscribe to our channel. We’d be uploading more videos on the rest of the skills and a lot more.
In our increasingly hyper-connected world, we’re no longer expected to work just as individuals. Collaboration is the foundation of the world today as we know it. It is no longer about competition.
You may have all the skills and knowledge, but if your mindset stops you from collaborating, success may remain a distant dream. It is thus one of the highest imperatives in the modern world. This is especially true in the case of business success.
The reason critical thinking is a skill is because most people feel to make decisions based on personal biases, self-interest, or irrational emotions, which might not always be for our best. An open mind is a mind that appreciates criticism, is ready for new solutions and ideas, and isn’t afraid of evaluating prospects.
Critical thinkers are the ones who ask ‘why’ instead of becoming defensive. Critical thinkers have a growth mindset. They question, they are curious, and in doing so, they develop new ideas and solutions.
Despite having the technology to bring down our workload, we are still facing time constrain. The moment we get some free time, a lot of us start scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to check what other people are doing. We merge ourselves with information overload and get stuck into negativity about things which are not within our influence. I wonder if we even realise how much time is spent in indulging and then coming out of it.
I think the current Work from Home scenario gives us more time than before to focus on what really matters. Got to admit – time management is an art form worth mastering.
Note: To watch more videos on Productivity, please check out our channel.
To sum it up, getting a formal education and graduating from an elite university is not enough. One has to constantly upgrade oneself. As you develop the necessary skills, you’ll begin to feel more comfortable and confident. Regardless of your chosen career path, preparing yourself for the future is critical so you can set yourself apart from others in a competitive landscape.
The entire phase can be used to prepare for a comeback … if you allow it. Remember, it’s not a vacation; it’s an opportunity to evolve consciously. What skills are you working on while being quarantined?