Has it ever happened with you that you meant to say something, but the listener(s) understood something else?

Has anyone ever hurt you with their words unintentionally?

Have you ever felt, while talking to someone, that albeit they’re physically with you, mentally they’re somewhere else?

All this can be avoided if we practice effective communication. Effective communication skill is a social necessity as much as it is required in workplaces.

Getting It Right

Many jobs require strong communication skills, and people with good communication skills usually enjoy a better interpersonal relationship with everyone who matters.

Following are some tips on how to communicate effectively:

Always introduce yourself –

From Rahul Dravid to Ratan Tata, this is something I’ve always noticed successful + humble people do.
Even if you think that everyone in the room knows you, introduce yourself.
Do you know that introducing yourself is a form of self-confidence?
“Hi, my name is Yukti.” It’s simple and speaks volumes about your humility. It is also one of the foundations for effective communication.

Watch the tone of your voice –

What you say is as important as how you say. Be conscious of the tone of your voice. Don’t let people misjudge you. The words you speak don’t determine the entire communication. The tone of your voice and your body language also counts.
Tone 38%
Actual words 7%
Body Language 55%

Active Listening –

Don’t we all just hate it when we are talking to someone and they are lost in their own world? Communication can never be complete if there is only speaking and no listening. Active listening is more than just hearing the words that are being spoken to us. Active Listening is when we use gestures like eye-contact and nodding when we give the speaker our undivided attention, and when we ask questions to the speaker.

Paying attention to nonverbal cues is crucial in communication –

This, believe it or not, is one of the most powerful forms of communication. More than words, nonverbal communication cues you in to what is on the other individual’s mind or how they are feeling at that moment.
Often, the best communicators are sensitive to the power of emotions and thoughts which are communicated nonverbally.

Empathy –

No matter how much technology advances, one thing that can never be substituted is empathy (people skills). Have you ever been told that you speak well? What happens when what you say connects with the listener. Even if you disagree with the other person, share your opinion without hurting them. That’s empathy.

End sessions or conversations on a positive note –

People tend to remember the last words said to them. Every session should end on a positive note. If you need to criticize someone, practice constructive criticism. Start and end with the good things. In the middle, efficiently layer the criticism.

Summing it up

Remember, no one is born with good communication skills. It is a skill that can only be learned. So, keep practising until you become good at it.

I hope this helps you to be more effective as a communicator. I would love to know if there is anything else that you think works for you.