We see the phrase ‘keep evolving’ quite often, don’t we? But sometimes, it can feel difficult to understand what that really means, especially if we’re in the habit of staying in our comfort zone and loving it.

Evolution is an ongoing phenomenon and human evolution is no different. While it may take a few decades or even centuries to observe human evolution at a physical level, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually humans evolve every single moment of life.

I was reading something the other day about changing ourselves. After a few days, while I was still thinking about it, it struck me – maybe we shouldn’t be thinking about changing ourselves at all, but really, becoming better versions of who we are.

You know, there is always a version of you which is slightly ahead of where you are at present. That *you* is a little more disciplined, organized, consistent, and is a little better at focusing on the task at hand. It is the person you know you could be if you just tried a little harder. It’s not impossible, but you’ll have to push to become that *you*.

I loved this idea of a better me standing next to me and pushing me to achieve my potential. For the past week or so, I have been thinking with whatever I do – how would the better-me do it?

I understand that keeping up with your better self is not an easy task. It takes hard work and persistence, and it’s easy to just want to revert to yourself that hits the snooze button a couple of times and hops over to social media for “just five minutes” in the middle of the workday.

But I am talking about the better you, not the same old you. The better you is a part of you, it is your alter ego. Shouldn’t we all have a version 2.0 … which is better than who we are?

Seemingly small behaviours like the above can get you into the habit of recognising your own needs. All of these small things add up. In the end, it means that your evolution becomes an unconscious effort. And that is why it’s so important to start with practical and conscious steps.

Kudos to those who make this their conscious effort and try to evolve themselves as humans, each day, by becoming a better version of who they were yesterday.

If you look at any deep management study – say, Maslow Theory – it emphasizes the fact that physical and physiological needs are at the base of the human pyramid. Right at the top is self-actualization, which is nothing but understanding and evolving yourself at all mental, spiritual, and emotional levels.

Now let’s have a quick look at NLP or the coaching theory of human behaviour. We understand human behaviour in the coaching environment as five logical levels, which is another pyramid with the environment at the bottom, moving up to skills and actions, capability, values, and identity at the top. Notice that the journey moves from something that is outside of us (environment) to something that is inside of us (identity).

Conscious evolution of human behaviour is to explore who we are from the inside of us, our values, and our identity; and then taking it beyond these five logical levels to our vision, our mission, and maybe our purpose of life.

I understand developing version 2.0 of me in two different ways:

  • At the skill and capability level – where I want to acquire more tools and techniques and be a better coach so I can serve my clients in a better way.
  • And at the values level – to work on me as a person. What I love about coaching as a profession is that it gives you no choice but to improve yourself as a person, so you can be a better coach.

Somewhere, both these versions merge for me. And somewhere, I believe, this merging is possible for anybody and everybody in any profession whatsoever, for as long as there is the intent to create version 2.0 for yourself.

D’you know when complication begins? It begins when we think that we already know it all. It begins when we are afraid to fail or to be wronged. I must mention that working on your self-development and growth is important, but so is accepting yourself. This seemed a pretty revolutionary idea to me after years of experience and consciously working on my personal development. And I wanted to share it with you, too.

You may also read self-help books (even God help those who help themselves!). That reminds me of an interaction with a client who felt that self-help books are for failures, losers, or someone who is really struggling in life. That is so wrong. Self-help books are for anyone who wants to improve themselves. You may call them self-growth books. Such books can act as a guiding force to help us grow. Here are some books which have added value to me:

  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • The Road Less Travelled by M Scot Peck
  • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
  • Heal Your Body by Lousie Hay

[Those who know me know that I am always looking for books that add some value to life. Any recommendations?]So tell us, what small steps are you planning to take to create your version 2.0? Take it one step at a time and it will soon add up to a whole new, radically improved you.Isn’t that a fantastic way to start a new year … a new beginning?We wish you all an upgraded and elevated new year (and decade) ahead.